Coaching Psychology for the Adjustment of Organisations 
and People to changes over the next 10 years

19th-20th May



Carmen Santos
President of Coaching Psychology Section
Chair of the 12th ICCP-Spain 2022

I am pleased to welcome all participants and attendees to this congress. 

For our professional community, this event has a very special meaning, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Coaching Psychology Section of the Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya (COPC). 

With the enthusiasm and pride of having turned 10 years old, we have organised the 12th International Congress of Coaching Psychology-Spain 2022. We will spend two days in which we will have the opportunity to enjoy the presentations of invited speakers, all of whom leading coaching psychologists, both national and international. Through keynote and invited speakers, expert panel and poster presentations, the main theme will be addressed: “Coaching Psychology for the Adjustment of Organisations and People to changes over the next 10 years”

This event will focus upon the practice and research of Coaching Psychology and forms part of the congresses organised by the International Society por Coaching Psychology (ISCP). Its purpose is to bring together the coaching psychology community in a shared experience, to promote the development of this discipline and profession around the world. 

We are part of the history of this international movement and we want to continue contributing to its expansion. This is what has motivated us to organise the congress. 

The relationship of the Coaching Psychology Section of the COPC with the ISCP has always been close and mutually collaborative. Throughout this decade, we have been able to attend and participate in international congresses and even organise the 1st International Congress of Coaching Psychology-Spain, in Barcelona, at the end of 2011. 

We are very keen to offer an event of the highest quality, where we all have the opportunity of getting a feel for the current situation of our discipline and profession, and of exchanging future viewpoints. Therefore, our thanks goes to all the participants who will help us achieve this goal, wanting to share their knowledge, their experience and their viewpoints throughout these two days. 

On behalf of my Steering Board and all the people involved in the organisation of this congress, we invite you to check out the information provided on this website and, if it is of your interest, see you on May 19th and 20th! Oh! We will have simultaneous translation and there will be a prize for the best poster


Sandra Ballada
Congress Secretary