This fully updated second edition of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching in Practice explores various aspects of coaching from within a cognitive behavioural framework. In response to the continued growth in the popularity and scope of coaching and cognitive behavioural therapy, Michael Neenan and Stephen Palmer again bring together experts in the field to discuss topics including procrastination, stress, coaching alliance, motivational interviewing, goal selection and self-esteem.
The book is illustrated throughout with coach-coachee dialogues that include a commentary of the aims of the coach during the session. This second edition is fully updated and includes three new chapters on single-session coaching, health and wellbeing coaching and coaching supervision.
Part of the Essential Coaching Skills and Knowledge series, this comprehensive volume will be essential reading for coaches, as well as therapists, counsellors and psychologists
Cognitive behavioural coaching in practice : an evidence based approach /edited by Michael Neenan and Stephen Palmer
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